
Dog Vaccinations Protect Your Beloved Pet

Vaccinations are necessary to protect the dog from deadly and potentially deadly viruses and diseases. Once the dog contracts the deadly virus, you have no way of saving the dog from dead or living an unhappy and horrible life. Dog vaccinations are given against parvovirus, distemper and rabies as well as some others. After the first shots, a booster every year after for distemper and every other year for rabies is required.

Rabies Dog Vaccinations

This vaccine works to stimulate the immune system in other to fight against the virus if the dog is exposed to such a virus. The dead rabies virus is given as a vaccination and the body considers it a foreign body, thus building antibodies to fight against it. If the dog receives a bite from an infected anima with the virus, the body now has enough antibodies to fight the virus, therefore your faithful companion does not fall victim to a fatal virus.

Distemper Dog Vaccinations

Distemper is a viral infection that affects the immune system and can lead to serious complications if not death. This disease is contracted from contact with the excretions of an infected dog. Airborne particles can also contribute to infecting other dogs. Dogs rarely survive, but when they do, they suffer from muscle spasms and convulsions. The symptoms of a fever over 104 degrees, depression, pus in the eyes, convulsions, diarrhea and vomiting, if you see these signs, you need to contact your vet immediately. Proper vaccination of your dog prevents this viral disease from taking the life or livelihood of your companion.

Parvovirus Dog Vaccinations

Puppies under six months of age succumb to this particular disease. The intestinal tract, lymphoid tissue, immune system and the bone marrow are affected. Symptoms may be vomiting, convulsion weight loss and dehydration with coughing. For some puppies, death is immediate. Puppies need proper medical attention and proper vaccinations to prevent such an untimely demise.

Bordetella Dog vaccinations

Kennel cough also known as bordetella, is repeated every year and usually administered with the distemper vaccine. This prevents your dog from contracting the disease from other dogs it may be around in training classes or doggie day care centers. This is a disease that can be treated if contracted, but the vaccine protects from every getting it, proving the dog with a healthy and happy life.

Why Dog Vaccinations

Why dog vaccinations some people ask, well if you travel, live in a city or town, you need to have your dogs vaccinated. Kennels will not broad dogs without proper proof of vaccinations. If you take your dog to obedience classes, they need proof of vaccinations. In order to license your dog, you need proof of rabies vaccination before obtaining the license in all states. Therefore, if you own a dog you need to protect their future health by getting them vaccinated and then of course, licensed. This is not optional; it is required to protect you and other animals as well as your dog.

You can also find more info on older dog health problems and dog’s liver health problems. AboutDogHealth.org is a comprehensive resource to help dog owners identify their dog’s illness symptoms and treatment options.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judy_Wellsworth

