Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-borne diseases and will show itself through recurrent lameness in the joints due to inflammation. Other symptoms include decreased appetite, fever, difficulty breathing and being sensitive to the touch.
If your dog is diagnosed with Lyme disease he or she will be given antibiotics and will need to rest as much as possible. On occasion joint pain has been known to continue after treatment is complete.
Lyme disease is transmitted through ticks so daily grooming and proper tick control are the first line of defense against the disease. Itâs important that you speak with your veterinarian about whether or not your dog should receive the vaccination. Only dogs who veterinarians believe are in a high risk area should receive this non-core vaccination.
I am not a veterinarian, this is information Iâve learned over the years as a dog owner. Should your dog have any health issues you should make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible.