

There are many reports on vaccinations around at the moment and many articles have been published in the relevant press. These reports contain frightening information on the contents of vaccines and the side effects of them, which are not always immediate.
Some of the immediate side effects include:-

  • lethargy

  • fever

  • stiffness

  • sore joints

  • abdominal tenderness

  • anaphylactic shock (an allergic reaction that causes swelling of critical airways which can result in death within minutes)

  • liver and kidney problems and more.

If an animal has a pre-existing health problem, vaccinations can expedite a decline in health of that animal as they are known to depress the immune system. Many animals with chronic problems fail to improve or respond to traditional treatment.

Cancer at the site of the injection can happen as often as 1 in 1000.

Well documented adverse effects include auto-immune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) in dogs (which is deadly). Research has suggested a link between vaccines and immune-mediated polyarthritis in dogs. Hypertrophic osteodystrophy, a painful bone disease, appears to be triggered by the distemper vaccine in some Weimeraners. Some dog breeds, notably Dobermans, Rottweilers, and Akitas, seem especially prone to deleterious reactions.

Also you may have noticed that there is no variation given in the amount of vaccine dependent on size, from puppies to adults and from Chihuahua’s to Saint Bernard’s, all animals are given the same full vial, that seems wrong somehow to me, surely we are overdosing the small and under-dosing the large.

Humans get their inoculations once only, (with Tetanus as an exception), so why would our pets need them annually?
Pets systems are the same as ours, once they have developed anti-bodies another dose will not be of assistance.
Vaccinations are making animals produce auto-anti-bodies which attack their own DNA.

Known reactions to certain vaccines:-


” Watery fluid dripping from the nose ” Conjunctivitis, eye discharge, entropion ” Chronic gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, appetite disorders ” Recurrent diarrhoea ” Sensitivity to food with resultant diarrhoea ” Epilepsy, rear leg paralysis, spondylitis ” Lip fold dermatitis ” Excessive licking of feet, eruptions between the toes, allergies ” Kennel cough, chronic bronchitis ” Chronic skin eruptions, especially lower half of body ” Failure to thrive, abnormally thin


Restless nature, suspicion of others, aggression to animals and people ” Changes in behaviour: aloofness, unaffectionate, desire to roam, OR clingy, separation anxiety, ‘velcro dog’ ” Restraining can lead to violent behaviour and self-injury ” Self-mutilation, tail chewing ” Voice changes, hoarseness, excessive barking ” Chronic poor appetite, very finicky ” Paralysis of throat or tongue, sloppy eaters, drooling ” Dry eye, loss of sight, cataract ” Eating wood, stones, earth, stool ” Destructive behaviour, shredding bedding ” Seizures, epilepsy, twitching ” Increased sexual desire, sexual aggression ” Irregular pulse, heart failure ” Reverse sneezing

Panleukopenia in cats

Lazy cats, lie around most of the time ” Finicky appetites ” Chronic fever for weeks, with few symptoms ” Possible enlarged cervical lymph nodes ” Poor groomers ” Chronic dehydration leading to cystitis and calculus formation ” Emaciation, hyperthyroidism ” Inflammatory bowel disease ” Chronic respiratory problems, sinusitis

Other reactions

Any auto-immune disease such as lupus, red cell aplasia, auto-immune haemolytic anaemia, cardiomyopathies; neoplasias such as fibrosarcomas, mast cell tumours, thyroid tumours, etc.; inflammatory bowel disease, eczematous ears, any dermatological condition, warts, lymphomas, poor hair coats, stomatitis, periodontal disease, thyroid disease, and so on.

 Some ingredients in vaccines include:-

  • Ethylene glycol – (antifreeze)

  • Phonol or carbolic acid

  • Formaldehyde – a known carcinogen

  • Aluminium – associated with Alzheimers, seizures and cancer

  • Thimerosal – (preservative)

  • Neomycin, streptomycin (antibiotic)

Some Quotes:-

According to the Current Veterinary Therapy XI, considered the Bible of Veterinary care:-

“A practice that was started many years ago and that lacks scientific validity or verification is annual revaccinations.
Immunity to viruses persists for years or for the life of the animal. Successful vaccination to most bacterial pathogens produces an immunologic memory that remains for years, allowing an animal to develop a protective anamnestic (secondary) response when exposed to virulent organisms. Only the immune response to toxins (such as tetanus) requires boosters… and no toxin vaccines are currently used for dogs or cats. The practice of annual vaccination in our opinion should be considered of questionable efficacy.”

Dr. Ronald D. Schultz, Ph.D. - “Annual revaccination provides no benefit and may increase the risk for adverse reactions. The percentage of vaccinated animals (those vaccinated only as puppies) protected from clinical disease after challenge with canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus and canine adenovirus in the study was greater than 95%.”

“Many people are very concerned about vaccinating their animals and the adverse reactions are often referred to as vaccinosis and miasms which is said to be difficult or impossible to cure. Most wonder why “annual boosters” are given to our animals ” Helen L. McKinnon

“Some vaccines cause mild immunosuppression, e.g., modified live parvovirus vaccines may suppress the immune response in puppies to the point that they succumb to distemper when vaccinated with modified live distemper virus.” – The Merck Veterinary Manual

“The more common risks associated with vaccines include residual virulence and toxicity, contamination with other pathogens, allergic responses, disease in immunogeficient hosts (modified live vaccines), neurological complications, and harmful effects on the foetus.”- The Merck Veterinary Manual

“Vaccines that contain killed gram-negative organisms may also contain endotoxins, which stimulate release of interleukin 1, and can cause stress with pyrexia and leukopenia” – “it may be sufficient to provoke abortion in females.” – The Merck Veterinary Manual
The American Veterinary Association
advises that re-vaccination should occur every three years rather than annually.

For more information on vaccines and what they do to your animal, please read:-

