The h3n8-dog-flu
Although we have talked about Canine flu in a previous post, we felt further clarification might be in order. This is yet another virus that can attack your pet and natural immunity doesnât exist. The reason dogs do not have natural immunity is because it is a novel virus. A novel virus meaning it is new to the canine world. Even though your Weim has received all their normal vaccinations they will not be protected from the dog flu known as h3n8.
Below you will find three excellent links that explain what h3n8 is and how you can protect your pet. As always, with viruses exposure is the key factor. If you going to be out and about with your pet there may be a risk. Kennel Cough protection apparently will not protect against this virus. If you are going kennel your pet you may need this additional vaccine. Please note that we recommend as with all vaccines to get it at least two weeks away from other vaccinations. Immunity takes about two weeks to develop after a vaccination so you need to plan ahead for your petâs protection.
Here is our previous post on the topic of Canine Flu:
Even though we still feel there is no need for paranoia being informed is important. We noticed that our Blog is receiving increased traffic with people searching for more information on the h3n8-dog-flu and for this reason we did additional research. It would be wise to talk with your local Veterinary to see if this dog flu has been diagnosed locally. It would only take one pet to infect an entire kennel setting as happened in Colorado. So again, risk has to be assessed. With our mobile society it doesnât take long for a problem to spread. Discuss this issue with your Veterinary and ask if it has been a problem in your area. If so, you might further check to see if the h3n8-dog-flu vaccine is available. Please let us know if you have additional information on this vaccine or experience with this particular dog flu.
In our opinion the best guard against all adult canine viruses is maintain a healthy immune system and vaccinating when necessary. Secondly, remembering that overâvaccinating your Weimaraner may facilitate a compromised immune system and open the door for other ailments. Even our own Veterinary has concurred with us that once the puppy shots are complete you no longer need annual shots. A once a 3 year booster will give your Weimaraner the much-needed protection without giving them unneeded vaccine. (The adult shot should be the same as the puppy shotâDistemper, Adeno2, Parainfluenza and Parvo. It should not contain the Lepto vaccine. If Lepto is a problem in your area then you will need a special Lepto vaccination about every 8 months. (Please refer to the information we have posted in detail about Lepto vaccineâthey have a new improved stand-alone vaccine that is your current vaccine of choice. There are three posts regarding Lepto vaccine because it is a hot topic and often misunderstood:
The most important thing you can do is guard your Weims immune system. Keep them healthy with the right diet and proper age-appropriate exercise. Consider the right supplementation to boost their immune system. A glowing healthy Weimaraner with basic vaccine protection should do well and live long. Be as natural and healthy as possible in you choices.