
Dog Vaccinations

Dog Vaccinations

Every year you receive the postcard from your veterinarian reminding you that it’s time for your annual dog vaccination.  I feel very strongly that your dog should have an annual well visit, BUT, I don’t recommend yearly “booster shots.”  AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) has changed the recommended vaccine protocol for our pets.

The core vaccines are Distemper, Parvo and Adenovirus.  Research has shown that Distemper and Parvo Vaccines are effective for at least 5 years and Adenovirus is effective for a minimum of 7 years!  Rabies, the only vaccine required by law, has been proven effective for at least 3 years.  Check with your state and town to see if the 3 year Rabies vaccine is  recommended in your state and municipality.

Vaccinating every year is not only unnecessary, it can actually be harmful to our pets.  Instead of supporting the immune system, the immune system becomes repressed.  This can lead to chronic conditions such as arthritis,skin issues, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease, to name a few.  There is a name for these symptoms caused by over-vaccinating, vaccinosis.  Vaccinosis has even been know to lead to death.

I want to be very clear here, you MUST VACCINATE your dog!  The 3 core diseases are deadly and your dog must be protected.  Like everything else, balance is the key.  Over doing a good thing can be just as bad as not doing it at all.

As I stated in the first paragraph, it is necessary for your dog to have his annual veterinary well-visit.  These visits should include a hands on physical examination by your vet, including checking the ears, eyes, skin and looking for any lumps or bumps that may have developed since the previous year.  It should also include at least a CBC (complete blood count), a urinalysis and a fecal.  Instead of vaccines, your vet should be doing a titer test that checks for IMMUNITY to the core diseases; distemper, parvo and adenovirus.

Here’s the link to download the AAHA report:  https://www.aahanet.org/PublicDocuments/CanineVaccineGuidelines.pdf

For a AAHA Vaccination Protocol Recommendations:  http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2011/10/27/new-canine-vaccination-guidelines.aspx

If you’d like to see a recorded interview of Dr. Ronald Schultz:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC–bGthNN8&feature=relmfu

As always, consult your veterinarian before making any decisions about your dog’s health.  Bring the report and have a conversation with your vet.  She is your partner on your dog health care team!!

I look forward to your comments, questions and ideas!!  Please read my article at http://ezinearticles.com/?Canine-Vaccinations&id=6852061.

Wishing you health and prosperity,


Posted on February 3, 2012, in dog health, dog vaccines, dog veterinary care, dogs, pets and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

