
Other Vaccines for Dogs Entering Hawaii

So, yesterday was Asta’s annual physical examination with her veterinarian.  The question came up as to whether she should have her distemper/parvo vaccine every year or some period longer than that. 

There are many articles by reputable veterinarians that suggest over-vaccination, or vaccination too frequently is not the best course for the health of your dog.  California (our home) suggests a minimum vaccination every 3 years.  Our vet did suggest that if we did not do the vaccine, Asta should have a titer test to make sure her antibody levels were at a sufficiently high level to guard against these devastating diseases.  Notably, the vaccine is relatively cheap (less than $ 40), and the test cost high ($ 250).  But, given what I’ve read about vaccines, we chose to go the test route and forego the vaccine.

The question then arose:  we are going to Hawaii – does Hawaii require any vaccinations other than the grueling anti-rabies test and vaccination program for service dogs?  Does Hawaii require vaccinations against distemper or parvo for visiting service dogs?

Answer:  I am not sure yet.  All the information I have found suggests that if you follow the requirements for service dogs entering Hawaii (rabies test, rabies vaccine, anti-tick application & microchip), that is all you need to do.  See my earlier blog post: Special Planning for Cruising to Hawaii.  I will update this blog post as I learn more.

*** As promised, an update.  The good news is that there is no apparent requirement for vaccinations other then rabies and anti-tick control. ***

