
Titer Tests and Vaccinations

     Titer tests are tests that test to see if vaccinations are still in a person/animal’s system.  The problem with it is that the results can vary and don’t mean very much.  One week the animal could test high for having a certain vaccination, and the next week it can be the opposite.  Unfortunately, there is no good way to test to see if vaccinations are still in an animal or person’s system.  This is unfortunate because I am highly against over vaccination, especially because half of the diseases in dogs probably come from over protection.  Not only that, but I already have dogs with issues and I don’t want to make them worse, such as developing allergies from exposing them to something so often.
     So anyway, I called half the city today trying to figure out whom and who wouldn’t talk to me about vaccinations and not just say “Oh – auto-vaccinate because that’s what’s best”.  I knew that my permanent vet would give me a titer, so I didn’t call her.  But two said that they auto-vaccinate and that a titer would have been “a couple hundred” dollars (not true).  The last, I talked on the phone with her receptionist, and then I made a personal appointment with the doctor and we talked a lot about what and which vaccinations are best for my dogs.  This was what I wanted and it was absolutely amazing.  I asked far more questions than I needed to; I was kind of testing her out essentially.  She passed.  She explained all the vaccinations, her opinion on them, what she does for her own dogs, etc.  She said for her own dogs, she vaccinates every two-three years and does specific vaccinations.  She recommends the 3 year rabies vax as well.
We came to the conclusion in the end, that: 1. You can request specific vaccinations; you don’t HAVE to get the 5 in 1 or the 7 in 1; 2. The dog-owner should definitely talk and feel around with vets.

     I also asked her a raw dieting type of question about what to do for Titus (he’s got super dry skin and it falls out and he just looks ratty) and she suggested I add fish oil/canola oil to his diet.  A+++ for her.

